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sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

On how planes are routed over the Atlantic Ocean

The British Air Navigation Service Provider company, that shows how the commercial flights are routed over the Atlantic Ocean without radar, one of the main problems that explains, to the date, how we do not know an aircraft position in real time over the ocean.
This video is very illustrative about how a flight is managed in a no radar environment scenario based in the Shanwick Oceanic Control Area (OCA) and neighborhood areas, tactical route planning, what systems support the process, air space capacity optimization, safety procedures, risks management, emergency what-if scenarios, ATC/ANSPs coordination, pilot/ATC communication, etc.


The video is divided in the main following sections:
  • A Westbound Flight, for showcasing the procedures in a normal flight from Dublin to Boston. How the pilots uses the ACARS system and the alternative HF/VHF radio communications.
  • The South-East Corner, a critical air navigation area that implies the southwest of Britain (Shanwick OCA), west coast of France (Brest OCA) and the Spanish atlantic area (Madrid OCA). This in an area heavily crossed by the flights from/to Spain-Britain, Europe-Latin America, Europe-Central America, Europe-NorthAmerica, and flyby flights from the East of Europe to America, as the Middle-East flghts.

  • When things go wrong: any conflict or deviation in vertical, lateral and longitudinal elements of the air space and waypoints, and any incidence regarding to separation minima between aircrafts. The conflicts with other traffics.



Minimum Navigation Performance Specification (MNPS) Airspace. Credit: ICAO
Minimum Navigation Performance Specification (MNPS) Airspace. Credit: ICAO
In the video, they named an interesting document, published by ICAO, the North Atlantic Operations and Airspace Manual that illustrates and describes the general procedures, requirements, the oceanic clearances, communication procedures, flight operation and navigation procedures, contingencies, etc. Is a guide for the operation in this air navigation area.
You can download it from the following link. ICAO NAT Doc 007


Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) is a system and protocol designed by ARINC (now a Rockwell Collins company) in 1978 that transmit data between aircraft and ground stations. ACARS messages may be sent using a choice of communication methods, such as VHF or HF, either direct to ground or via satellite.
Aircraft-Ground data  communication Credit: http://www.technologyvista.in
Aircraft-Ground data communication Credit: http://www.technologyvista.in

ACARS messages may be of three types based upon their content:
  • Air Traffic Control (ATC), as shown in the NATS video.
  • Aeronautical Operational Control (AOC)
  • Airline Administrative Control (AAC)
  • Free Text messaging is also possible.
This is an example of a message sent to a pilot from the ATC, this communication is also known as Controller-Pilot Data-Link Communications (CPDLC):
The meaning is, “Flight ABC123 is to adjust its speed to ensure that the flight will reach the coordinates 50N 040W no later than 1428 UTC. After passing coordinates 50N 040W, the flight is to maintain speed Mach 0.82.
The next picture shows the point of view of an ATC controller’s workstation, in this case from the Maastricht Upper Area Control (MUAC) managing an Air Europa’s flight (AEA1098)
Example of ATC screen when using CPDLC at MUAC. Credit: Eurocontrol
Example of ATC screen when using CPDLC at MUAC. Credit: Eurocontrol
Here you can see the pilot’s perspective:
Interface Pilot-ACARS System integrated in the FMS. Credit: www.hoppie.nl
Interface Pilot-ACARS System integrated in the FMS. Credit: www.hoppie.nl
ATC messages include aircraft requests for clearances and ATC issue of clearances and instructions to aircraft. They are often used to deliver Pre-Departure, Datalink ATIS and en route Oceanic Clearances. However, whilst the ACARS system is currently fulfilling a significant ‘niche’ role in ATC communications, it is not seen as a suitable system for the more widespread ATC use of datalink which is expected to come in the future.
AOC and AAC messages are used for communications between an aircraft and its base. These messages may be of standard form or as defined by users, but all must then meet at least the guidelines of ARINC Standard 618. Any message content is possible including such examples as:
  • upload to the aircraft of final load and trim sheets;
  • upload of weather or NOTAM information;
  • download from the aircraft of status, position, eta, and any diversion;
  • download of technical performance data including automatically triggered exceedance or abnormal aircraft system status information, and
  • ‘housekeeping’ information such as catering uplift requirements, special passenger advice and ETA.
Here you have a couple of brief videos with an ACARS demo onboard.

The South-East Corner. Shanwick OCA, Brest OCA and Madrid OCA. Copyright: NATS and Safety Partnership Agreement
The South-East Corner. Shanwick OCA, Brest OCA and Madrid OCA. Copyright: NATS and SPA
  • When things go wrong: any conflict or deviation in vertical, lateral and longitudinal elements of the air space and waypoints, and any incidence regarding to separation minima between aircrafts. The conflicts with other traffics.
Air navigation deviations. Copyright: NATS and SPA
Air navigation deviations. Copyright: NATS and SPA

Example of ATC screen when using CPDLC at MUAC. Credit: Eurocontrol
Here you can see the pilot’s perspective:

Interface Pilot-ACARS System integrated in the FMS. Credit: www.hoppie.nl

A Datalink Service Provider (DSP) is responsible for the movement of messages via radio link, usually to/from its own ground routing system. ACARS messages are transmitted using one of three possible data link methods:
  • VHF or VDL (VHF Data Link) which is line-of-sight limited
  • SATCOM which is not available in polar regions
  • HF or HFDL (HF Data Link) which has been added especially for polar region communications
The main service providers are SITA and ARINC, here you can see their architecture solutions:

Global ACARS Network by ARINC. Credit: www.arinc.com
SITA AIRCOM ACARS Services. Credit: www.sita.aero
SITA AIRCOM ACARS Services. Credit: www.sita.aero


I’m reading a couple of Air Navigations books, and I have to say that this is an amazing aviation field that should be more promoted and known. These are the books I’m reading (referral inks):
The International Virtual Aviation Organization (IVAO) website is a must for any newcomer in this field, it is a great Air Traffic simulation platform and community. A perfect first step for introducing in this unknown aviation world. You can be a controller or a pilot using its ATC software client and flight simulators plug-ins for FSX, XPlane an Prepar3D software.

IVAO website. www.ivao.aero


Air Navigation is one of the less known activities in aviation, but with the NATS illustrative videos the things are changing, among others, as the youtube channels of Eurocontrol (Eurocontrol TV) or twitter accounts of the Spanish controllers@controladores and Eurocontrol @eurocontrol. Do you know great ATC twitter accounts to follow, tell us at @aeriaablog
As a bonus track of this post, another video of NATS (with FlightAware data) with the Air Traffic over USA.


Eurocontrol: www.eurocontrol.int

viernes, 31 de julio de 2015


his business aviation blog continues from our article last week, entitled "Wind Shear and Its Impact on Flight Operations: Part 1 – Definitions."
For business aircraft operators, wind shear can have significant impact during takeoff/landing due to its effect on control of the aircraft. Wind shear can be the sole or one of the contributing causes of many aircraft accidents. Low-level/surface-level wind shear is caused mostly by thunderstorm and frontal system activity, while, at higher flight levels, wind shear is usually related to jet stream and frontal activity.
The following is an overview of what you need to know:

1. Wind shear on a flight plan is not a turbulence value

There’s often confusion regarding wind shear and shear values as they relate to flight turbulence. This is due to misconceptions about the relationship between wind shear value and turbulence. A wind shear number is simply a numerical value of differences in wind speeds between flight levels. This value does not necessarily predict turbulence. To determine potential for turbulence associated with wind shear, it’s best to speak with a 3rd-party provider, aviation meteorologist, or flight dispatcher. They’ll look at wind shear values – along with satellite imagery, weather models, and other data – to help determine if potential for turbulence exists. There are different types of turbulence, and the impact of this turbulence depends on your type of aircraft. Maximum takeoff weight, wingspan, and wing loading all impact aircraft performance in relation to wind shear and susceptibility to turbulence. The military, for example, usually calculates predicted turbulence based on the type of aircraft.

2. Relevance of wind shear values

Wind shear values help determine the possibility of turbulence being experienced in flight, but these values are not true indicators of potential of turbulence. It’s best not to rely on wind shear values alone in terms of predicting turbulence. Wind shear should, instead, be used as an indicator to look further into the potential for flight turbulence.

3. Wind shear scales

There are no pre-determined scales used for wind shear, but each operator will typically have his or her own comfort zone. For example, an operator may stipulate that any wind shear value over five requires the crew to be notified and obtain an in-depth weather briefing based on their route and time of flight. There are times of year and regions of the world where wind shear values tend to run particularly high. A good example is traveling over the Newfoundland area during winter and in the presence of strong jet stream activity. Here, wind shear values of eight-10 can be the norm.

4. Wind shear and aircraft type

The main reason there’s no pre-determined scale for wind shear is that wind shear does not necessarily correlate to flight turbulence. The reason for this is because turbulence experienced on a particular trip depends so much on the type of aircraft.

5. Clear air turbulence

Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) is usually based on jet stream activity. Calculation of wind shear values can help try to identify CAT. It’s important to note, though, that, while wind shear may cause CAT, wind shear and CAT are not the same.

6. Obtaining forecast wind data

Forecast wind data is normally published every six hours and can be found from reliable sources such as the U.S. National Weather Service or the UK MET. The closer the forecast data is to the actual time of flight, the more accurate the data will be in terms of predicted conditions you’ll encounter. Be mindful that forecast wind model data can change greatly between the times it’s published. For flight planning purposes, it’s suggested to run flight plans based on historical winds, well in advance, followed by test flight plans a day or two ahead of the estimated time of departure. Particularly for longer (seven-hour plus) flights, the crew should obtain latest wind data as close as possible to time of departure.


It’s important to understand how wind shear may impact your flight. Best practice is to obtain a weather brief day of flight and to talk with a meteorologist to better understand potential wind shear-related issues. Keep in mind that wind shear is only an indicator of flight turbulence and does not necessarily mean that you’ll experience actual flight turbulence. Type of aircraft will be a key consideration in turbulence experiences from shear.

La pericia de este piloto hizo que el avión tomase tierra con todos a salvo durante una tormenta en Amsterdam

La pericia de este piloto hizo que el avión tomase tierra con todos a salvo durante una tormenta en Amsterdam. ME GUSTA!

Posted by Nuez España on Jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

viernes, 23 de enero de 2015


Hazards to flight

Snow and blowing snow can greatly affect aircraft on the ground, as well as during ascent and descent. When visibility is significantly reduced, as a result of snow activity, aircraft acceptance rates are often reduced. This causes operational delays, and at times aircraft may need to divert to alternate airfields. Significant snow accumulation can impact airport operations, and runways may close for plowing. If the rate of snowfall is such that plowing and treatment are not able to keep runways clear, a particular airfield may be forced to close.

4. Snow accumulation

Snow is designated by intensity, based on rate of accumulation and visibility restrictions. Heavy snow is indicated by "+," moderate snow has no designation, and light snow is indicated by "-." As snow is often accompanied by fog, using visibility alone as an intensity descriptor will not necessarily be accurate. Snowfall rates can be calculated, but if snow is melting as it falls or while on the ground, projected snow depth may not be accurate. Pilots need to be aware of these differences.

5. Visibility impact

Snow can greatly affect visibility and has potential to reduce visibility rapidly. This is particularly true in situations in which the intensity of snowfall is increasing. When snow already on the ground is blown about by strong winds, this often leads to rapid reduction in visibility. The following definitions use visibility in determining snow fall intensity. Use these with caution as other factors – such as liquid water content, temperature, and daylight/darkness – also impact visibility.
Below you will see the visibility based on the snow intensity:
  • Light Snow: Snow conditions in which visibility is greater than 0.5 mile
  • Snow: Snow conditions in which visibility is in a range from 0.25 to 0.5 mile
  • Heavy Snow: Snow conditions in which visibility is less than .25 mile

6. Flat-light and white-out conditions

The FAA Safety Library provides a good reference how to avoid white-out situations.
Flat light
An optical illusion also known as "sector or partial white out." It’s not as severe as a "white out," but this condition causes pilots to lose depth-of-field and contrast in vision. Flat-light conditions are usually accompanied by overcast skies, inhibiting any good visual clues. These conditions can occur anywhere in the world but primarily occur in snow-covered areas. Flat light can completely obscure features of terrain, creating inability to distinguish distances and closure rates. As a result of reflected light, this condition can give pilots the illusion of ascending or descending when they’re actually flying level. With good judgment and proper training/planning, however, it’s possible to safely operate aircraft in flat-light conditions.
White out
As defined in meteorological terms, is a condition where a person becomes engulfed in a uniformly white glow. This glow may be a result of being surrounded by blowing snow, dust, sand, mud, or water. In a white-out condition, there are no shadows, no horizon, and no clouds, and all depth-of-field/orientation are lost. White-out situations can be severe in that there are not any visual references to depend on. Flying is not recommended during any white-out situation. Be aware that flat-light conditions can lead to a white-out environment quite rapidly. Both atmospheric conditions are insidious. They sneak up on you as your visual references slowly begin to disappear. White outs, in snow-covered areas, have been the cause of several aviation accidents over recent years.
Self-induced white out
Typically occurs when a helicopter takes off/lands on a snow-covered area. Rotor down-wash picks up particles and re-circulates them through the rotor system. The self-induced white-out effect can vary in intensity, depending upon the amount of light on the surface. This phenomenon can occur even on the sunniest, brightest day with good light contrast. When it happens, there can be a complete loss of visual clues. If the pilot has not prepared for this immediate loss of visibility, the results can be disastrous

View original post: http://www.universalweather.com/blog/2015/01/snow-its-effects-on-aircraft-runways-part-2-dealing-with-snow/#ixzz3PeLWu8di
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