Entradas populares

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014


Complete the two exchanges with these words.

check out  keep up   stays up  get back  come in  get to   pass over

Exchange 1

Approach Wolfair 60,good morning.Identified.Proceeding into Alba.Vectoring 05.
Wolfair    Direct Alba 05.Wolfair 60.Can I__________________
              this high speed a bit longer?Wolfair 60.

Approach Wolfair 60,for the time being,yes.I´ll______________to you in a minute.

Exchange 2

Tower  B67,will you let me know what your intentions are for the main landing gear?
B67      Roger.We´ll try to lower the gear again,but if I´m still unable to release the nose gear-if
           if still__________-then we´ll land with all three up.B67.
Tower B67,do you want to_____________for a low pass?We can______________
          your landing gear when you_____________.
B67    OK,roger.B67.
Tower B67,have you got the field in sight?
B67     B67,affirm.When I______________you the gear should be down.B67.
Tower B67,roger.OK,make a low pass over runway 23 for a landing gear check.

Now listen and check.


Use these prepositions to complete the phrasal verbs.

off  on  up  down   back  around.

1.Flight KLM 546,slow___________!You are taxiing too quickly.
2.My flat tyre made the steering unresponsive.I almost skidded___________the runway.
3.Tug 4,you´ll have to go__________to stand 17 and assist SAS 418.
4.Ground Control Bus 4.Acknowledge stand change.Turn___________and proceed to stand 13.
5.Gulf Alpha Bravo lima,permission to carry___________past the stationary 757.
6.China 412,pick up a little speed and catch___________with the Airbus ahead of you.

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