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viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014


In this lesson we´re going to talk about the Present Perfect for Recent Events and Present Perfect in general-
Let´s start with the first one.We use Present Perfect for Recent Events when the action has just happened and we can see the result.

Example:We´re in the tower of certain airport and let´s say got an information:The terorists have just hijacked the plane.
Do we know when they hijacked the plane? Was it a long time ago? the answer is-NO.Can we see the result now? The answer is-YES.
If the plane is on the ground we can see the plane and the hijackers in the flightdeck(cockpit) ,or if the plane is in the air we could hear the transmission from the cockpit by pilot or by one of the terorists
past action present result

You´ll notice that in the conversation or in writing for the 3d person we use He´s done,She´s burnt..It creates some confusion for foreign students.They might think we´re using Present Simple.The only way for them to distinguish is the participle of the verb.On the other hand we often use the short way of "have" I´ve done...You´ve cleaned...
Very important point: For us the morning finishes at 12:00 afternoon/midday.So after that we cannot say I haven´t had any coffee this morning.We should say I didn´t have any coffee this morning.But I haven´t had any coffee today.Why?-Because the day is still on.
Present Perfect: Have+ Participle of the verb

We have had a bumpy ride.
Have you ever flown A-380?
The flight has gone.
He´s has been a pilot for 10 years.

Now let´s talk about grammar a little bit:Present Perfect with yet,just already.
Use yet in questions and negative sentences.
Use just or already in positive sentences.
Use just to say the action is very recent.
Use yet if you haven´t done something,but you plan to do it.
If the other person thinks you haven´t done something,use already to say you have done it.

Has the pilot retracted landing gear,yet?
Yes,he has just retracted them or Yes,he´s already retracted them.
No,he hasn´t retracted them,yet.
Has the plane landed,yet?
yes,it has just landed or Yes,It has already landed
No,the plane hasn´t landed,yet or Not,yet!

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