Entradas populares

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014


Listen to a dialogue between a pilot and air-traffic controller.Put the events in the correct order.

a The pilot requests a low pass.

b The controller reports damage to the nose gear.

c The pilot reports birdstrike.

d The pilot states anticipated control problems on landing.

e The pilot states their intention to return.

f the pilot says the nose gear won´t retract.


Match the words in the box with the definitions.


detect  corridor  track  flock  species  hit  impact  frighten


1.A group of birds

2.to prove that something is present

3.The force with which one object hits another

4.To move onto an object quickly and with force

5.To make an animal or a person feel afraid

6.A long,narrow area of land

7.To follow the course of a moving object

8.A group of plants or animals whose members all have similar general features

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