Entradas populares

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014


There may be medical problems during flights.Majority of in-flight medical emergencies are managed(handled) by the cabin crew.Others may require help from a doctor on the ground.So the pilots and the cabin crew should know medical problem vocabulary in order to be able to transfer the message to the Ground.Here are some phrases and vocabulary:

Talking about passengers: He´s got a cold
                                     He´s got a headache.
                                     He´s got a cough.
                                     He´s got a stomachache/he´s having stomach pains
                                     He feels sick/ill
                                     He feels dizzy
                                     He´s hurt his head/leg/arm


He´s having chest pains.
She may be going into labour.
She´s fainted
He´s got asthma
She´s having a seizure
He´s behaving very aggressively
He´s choking

animal bites                                         heat exhaustion and heat stroke
breathing problems                               haemorrage(bleeding)
broken bones                                       high blood pressure
burns                                                  hyperventilation
cardiac arrest(heart attack)                    neck/spine injury
cuts and scrapes                                  nosebleed
dental emergencies                               insect stings
dislocations                                         sprains and strains
drowning                                            stroke(brain attack)                                      
drug overdose                                      unconsciousness
electric shock
eye injuries

In some cases let´s say seizure,doctor on the ground can give you the instructions through the VHF,how to handle that situation.

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